Where stars shine bright

Education & Academics

The Jennings Development Interplex preschool's main purpose is to prepare 3 year old children for the Kindergarten experience. This program is headed by director and lead teacher Jill Hamilton and uses the creative curriculum teaching aide. Please call us with any inquiries you may have about our academics and education.

Health & Wellness

Explore current ideas and concepts in health, exercise, and wellness. Learn how to shape your own personal health utilizing a holistic approach! Get the advice, information and the solutions you have been searching for from our Health and Wellness instructors Abra Steppes and Lori Lamb. Our Health and Wellness program is Coming Soon.

Financial Literacy

Find comfort and confidence in knowing that your financial future is healthy. Education is the key to success, and we take pride in helping people at a young age learn in a lasting and easy to understand way. This program is lead by Stanley Steppes with focus of ensuring our youth unferstand the mechanics of money at a young age. Coming Soon.